Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Carollers

Christmas Carollers
top row Savannah, Alexis, Jordan
bottom row Ryan, Peyton, Jessie
Club members along with Ryan, Stacy S., Nancy and I braved the COOL temps tonight in order to visit with about 20 of our local "treasured" seniors, and give them some special homemade Hot Chocolate Mix. Ryan even came along to help the girls sing. Then we went in and had some hot chocolate, cookies and visiting. A fun time was had by all.
There are no other events planned for the rest of the year....
Our next meeting is January 18, 2010.
Wishing you all

Monday, December 7, 2009

December Foods & Nutrition Meeting

The Foods & Nutrition group met tonight and made homemade Christmas gifts. The girls made Friendship Soup Mix in a jar and Hot Chocolate Mix.

Pictured below from the left are Detri, Lauren, Riley, Jessie, Stacy & Nancy.

Detri assisting Riley and Lauren with the final decorations.

The girls showing off their jars. From the left Riley, Lauren, Jessie, and Jordan.
They all did a fantastic job and everyone helped make extra jars for their friends who couldn't be at the meeting tonight.

January 23rd is Favorite Foods Day.
For categories, guidelines, and judging rules check out the November/December Club Notes posted on the County website below:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dog Rally Workshop

Ten kids from 4 clubs particpated in the Rally workshop day held in Raymond on Nov 8th.
We discussed the sport of Rally and practiced some of the obstacles. Everyone had a good time and we were able to learn about this new and upcoming sport.
Betty and the dog members did a nice job helping others learn more about the sport.
Jessie and Dot demonstrate the spiral.
Jordan and Tee demonstrate the "walk around dog".

Savannah and Tuff demonstrate the figure eight maneuver.

Betty talks about the various manuevers while the girls demonstrate them.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Remembering Travis

2007 4H Bake Sale, Travis is the TALL one. Last Sunday night, the Raymond Community lost a very special young man. Travis was tragically killed in an auto accident- on his way home from work that night. He was 18.

Travis, and his family, were very active in Raymond 4H for about 8 years. Travis was a quiet, handsome kid. With a great smile..... I wish I had more pictures to show that smile! He showed dairy and meat goats in 4H. But he hated doing his record book at the end of the year. :) A very capable and handy young man, he probably worked, at one time or another for every one in Raymond. He always made himself available to help us out, on the ranch, whether branding or bucking hay, all you had to do was ask. He was a GREAT kid!

We will miss you Travis.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Horse Expo - A Success!

The WHOLE team -
Alexis, Buddy, Peyton, Babe, Jessie, Classy, Savannah, Jordan, Dollar.

5 to Horse Expo-5 MEDALISTS!

Alexis, Peyton and Savannah - level one down!

Jessie - level two

Jordan- level three.

Great job Girls! You make me proud! You all worked so hard.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

State 4H Equine Field Day

Jessie, Jordan and Savannah pictured here with Christine from Chowchilla 4H, at the state 4H Equine Education Field Day, held at the UC Davis campus.

The girls got to watch a hitching demonstration, with beautiful black percheron draft horses, and ride in the wagon. Then they got a tour of the 100 year old horse barns on campus, and a demonstration on horse behavior and artificial insemination techniques. After that they went in and explored the knowledge they must obtain in order to compete at horse bowl and other equine educational contests. I even learned a thing or two! It was an educational and fun day for everyone involved...... Thank you, Kristi for driving us up there! Photo credit:Tom Bohna

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Achievement Night

Madera County 4H held it's annual Achievement Night Dinner and Installation of Officers on Sunday October 5. It is the county kick-off to 4H week. Raymond had 4 members and 3 leaders in attendance.
Betty Accepted the plaque for Wildcat Station Feed and Supply.
They were honored as an Outstanding 4H program Supporter.
We appreciate you Wildcat Station!

Jordan, Savannah, Jessie and Mike
pictured with State 4H ambassadors Jazmine and Katy,
Yes, they are both from Madera County!
Jordan and Mike were installed as officers.
Jordan and Jessie were awarded their record book medals.
Jordan also received a medal for her 08/09 Treasurer Book.
Savannah will be earning one next year - of that I am sure!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More Pictures From Fair

I finally got ALL my pictures from the fair uploaded and processed. Here are my faves from the auction. Yes, Annette I have ordered you prints.

Blake - I have decided she is camera shy!

You guys did a great job!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Looking Forward to a Great Year!

I just wanted to say how nice it was to meet you last night at our first club meeting. This year is going to be very exciting and I'm looking forward to having some of you in the Foods & Nutrition and the Photography groups.

Being new to the club I was so impressed. You all did such a great job at fair.

With the blog being new this year if you think of anything that you'd like added to the calendar or have any suggestions please email Stacy.

Again, it was great meeting you... and...

I have just one more thing to say-

Look out Madera County!
Cuz here comes the Raymond 4-H Club... and we mean business!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sheep and Beef Show Results Finally Fair is OVER!

The Sheep show was HUGE there were 13, 17 and 19 kids in Showmanship, and I don't know how many Market Lambs! Our kids all got market ready, and sold for a good price. Mike was 4th in Advanced Showmanship, WAY TO GO MIKEY!! Bray was 9th and Blake 12th, Out of 17 outstanding showmen - I think that is AWESOME!!

Can you find Blake in this photo?

Bray and his Market Lamb.

Mike and his Market Lamb.

Jessie and Jordan showed their beef breeding heifers on Weds Jordan's both got first in class and Jessie's were 2nd. Jordan's 2 yr old won Reserve Grand Champion. They were 2nd and 3rd in Showmanship. They have enough pics up on this blog so I won' add any more...........
All in all Raymond made an outstanding showing this year!
I am looking forward to another exiting year, new projects and several new families joining us!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dog Show Results and Pictures

The Madera Fair had the small animal(poultry, rabbit, dog) show this weekend.
Rocky with Breezy, took 4th in Sr. Dog Showmanship, Jordan with Tee took 3rd in Jr. Showmanship, and Jessie with Dot Won 1st in Jr. Showmanship.
Yeah, Girls! Raymond looked AWESOME out there!!!
Thank you, Betty for all your hard work and support of the girls! I have seen tremendous improvement in ALL the dogs, and the skills these girls have gained are incredible.
Jessie and DotRocky and Breezy

Jordan and Tee
What can I say? It's a MOM thing!
Even my dogs know how to pose for the camera ;-)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pictures from Horse Show

Jessie and Babe Pole Bending

Jordan and Dollar Pole Bending

Jordan and Dollar - English

Jessie and Babe finishing Trail

Jordan and Dollar - Halter
Jordan and Dollar - Showmanship

Jessie and Babe - Halter

Jessie and Babe getting ready for Showmanship

Horse Show Results

Jessie and Jordan were the only horse kids from Raymond to make the Madera Fair Horse Show this year.Savannah brought Mom out to watch and gave us some much needed moral support. We missed Shakoda's shining smile on Sunday, but understandably we just can not always make the schedules laid out in front of us! I am looking forward to Chowchilla come May - Raymond will be well represented!

We have Peyton and Savannah coming up, to show in Jr. classes with Jessie, and Jordan and Shakoda will bump up to the Intermediate division!Providing we all can make that schedule work for our busy, busy, lives.

Any way, here are results for the horse show and some pics. It was a HOT, HOT weekend!

Jr.4H Showmanship - Jordan 1st, Jessie 2nd
Int. 4H Showmanship - Jordan 3rd, Jessie 4th
Jr. English Pleasure and Equitation - Jordan 2nd
Jr. Western Pleasure - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 4th
Jr. Western Equitation - Jordan 4th, Jessie 2nd
Jr. Horsemanship - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 4th
Jr Trail - Jordan 1st, Jessie 2nd
Halter Mares - Jessie 4th
Jessie was the Jr. High Point WESTERN exhibitor for the day!!
Pole bending - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 3rd
Bi Rangle - Jordan N/T, Jessie 2nd
Single Stake - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 3rd
Key hole - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 3rd
Speed Barrels - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 3rd
Cloverleaf - Jordan 2nd, Jessie 3rd
Water Race - Jordan 1st, Jessie didn't enter

Monday, August 31, 2009

I AM the PROUDEST Horse leader in the county!

Just a shot of 3 of "MY" horse kids at the August horse show at YLP.

Aren't they the "bestest".

Jessie - Peyton - Savannah

Friday, August 21, 2009


I am pleased to announce that we will be offering two NEW projects this year:

Our new leader Nancy will be doing the FOODS and NUTRITION project. She LOVES to cook and I am excited to see all the tasty treats she has in store for you. We think we have reached our limit on members for this project- but will keep you posted.

She is also just as CRAZY about her camera as I am, and has convinced me to co-lead a PHOTOGRAPHY project with her. Watch out camera shy 4H'ers - you will have two of us "stalking" you this year.
The PHOTOGRAPHY project will be somewhat self-led, as you will receive a "workbook" and have assignments to take certain photographs and bring your photos back to the next meeting. It should be quite fun! We will cover lighting, composition and camera settings. If you'd like to spend some time getting to know your camera better - join us! A digital camera is recommended, but you can use film too.

OUR 2009 - 2010 OFFICER TEAM

I 'd like to introduce the new officer team for 2009-2010.

PRESIDENT: Jordan Miles

TREASURER: Bray Hawkins-Balbas

SECRETARY: Mike Cabrera

Thank you all for volunteering for your positions. I believe we have an exciting year ahead of us.

Lets also THANK last years team for all the dedication and hard work. Tanner Lopez - President, Jordan Miles - Treasurer, and Shakoda Hodge - Secretary.

We still NEED a HISTORIAN - if anyone is interested in doing the scrapbook!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

News and Reminders

I hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing summer vacation, and that this note finds you all healthy and happy.

I just have a couple of reminders and some exciting news about our club!

REMINDER - Entries for Madera Fair are DUE August 18th! Please get with your project leaders and make sure you get these in, in time to show your projects.

The Horse Show is August 29th and the Gymkhana is August 30th.

The Dog Show will be September 5th. The Dog members are busy
planning a "rally"demonstration for the fair.

The Fair itself is September 10th - 13th. Check the web site or
your premium book for dates and times that livestock are to be in place.

Congratulations and THANK YOU to everyone who got their RECORD BOOKS turned in on time. I took two books to County Record Book Judging and I am very pleased to announce thatJordan was 2nd place medalist in Horse and Jessie was 4th place medalist in Outstanding first year. They will be receiving their medals during achievement night October 4th.

Next, we will be starting the year with two brand new members, Savannah Bohna and Peyton Garner have enrolled already, they will be studying and getting ready for Horse Expo.

Also I am extra excited to welcome Nancy as our new Foods and Nutrition Leader. Nancy also has a young son who will join us as a mini-member next year.

Any one interested in enrolling in the Foods and Nutrition Project this year???
Be thinking about it.

That's all for now. Please call or email me if you have any questions or concerns. I do have entry forms if you need them.
