Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Carollers

Christmas Carollers
top row Savannah, Alexis, Jordan
bottom row Ryan, Peyton, Jessie
Club members along with Ryan, Stacy S., Nancy and I braved the COOL temps tonight in order to visit with about 20 of our local "treasured" seniors, and give them some special homemade Hot Chocolate Mix. Ryan even came along to help the girls sing. Then we went in and had some hot chocolate, cookies and visiting. A fun time was had by all.
There are no other events planned for the rest of the year....
Our next meeting is January 18, 2010.
Wishing you all

Monday, December 7, 2009

December Foods & Nutrition Meeting

The Foods & Nutrition group met tonight and made homemade Christmas gifts. The girls made Friendship Soup Mix in a jar and Hot Chocolate Mix.

Pictured below from the left are Detri, Lauren, Riley, Jessie, Stacy & Nancy.

Detri assisting Riley and Lauren with the final decorations.

The girls showing off their jars. From the left Riley, Lauren, Jessie, and Jordan.
They all did a fantastic job and everyone helped make extra jars for their friends who couldn't be at the meeting tonight.

January 23rd is Favorite Foods Day.
For categories, guidelines, and judging rules check out the November/December Club Notes posted on the County website below:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dog Rally Workshop

Ten kids from 4 clubs particpated in the Rally workshop day held in Raymond on Nov 8th.
We discussed the sport of Rally and practiced some of the obstacles. Everyone had a good time and we were able to learn about this new and upcoming sport.
Betty and the dog members did a nice job helping others learn more about the sport.
Jessie and Dot demonstrate the spiral.
Jordan and Tee demonstrate the "walk around dog".

Savannah and Tuff demonstrate the figure eight maneuver.

Betty talks about the various manuevers while the girls demonstrate them.